The Asociación de empresas de componentes para aparatos elevadores (Association of lift components manufacturers) is the organization that gathers most of the manufacturers and distributors of kits for lifts settled in Spain.

"The activity of AECAE´s Directive Committee is focused on four strategic areas:
- Relations with institutions.
- Technical.
- Coordination with ELCA (European Lift Components Association).
- Moreover, it controls and manages the administration and the rest of the ordinary activities. "
Evolution: from its foundation in 1993 until now.

This association was constituted in June 1993 and is governed through a General Assembly of all its members and a Directive Council, which is the relevant office for the ordinary managing of the organization. Its aim is to represent, manage, defend and promote its asociates common interests, as well as to collaborate and participate in all the international character subjects related to the lifts field and to keep relations with associations from other countries, specially those belonging to the E.U.

Currently, it´s composed of the sector main companies in Spain, with 30 companies associated up to now. One of the current short-term lines of work is to increase the number of associates.

In March 2007, the head offices were moved to Zaragoza in order to promote its growth and to increase the number of services rendered by AE.

One of its last actions was to create a technical committee in collaboration with the Technological Institute of Aragon aimed to improve the knowledge and competitivity level of the associated companies through a technical unit, technological vigilance and the promotion of the technological and innovation capacities of the companies.

Currently, AECAE is in a growing stage whose main objective is to strenghen the positioning of the Spanish companies of lift components at the international level.

Recently, we managed to reach cooperation agreements with the Spanish Institute of External Commerce (ICEX) in order to attend international fairs and to carry out new innovation projects to increase the services rendered to its associates.

Another aspect we are working on is the relations with autonomous institutions and the Ministry of Industry in order to strengthen the importance of the Spanish componentistic industry at the worldwide level.